Viktor Axelsen vs Kento Momota Head to Head Stats

Viktor Axelsen and Kento Momota have played each other 17 times on the BWF Tour with Momota currently leading their H2H 14-3.

Their first match was in the 1st round of the 2014 Malaysia Open which Kento won 12-21, 24-22, 21-18.

Their last H2H match was in the Final of the 2022 Malaysia Open with Viktor winning the match 21-4, 21-7.

Viktor Axelsen vs Kento Momota Head to Head Stats

Axelsen vs Momota – BWF Head to Head

Kento Momota has won 82% of the matches played to date and leads their H2H by 14 wins to 3.

Out of the 17 matches they have played to date, one has been in the 1st round, one has been in the 3rd Round, one has been in the Quarterfinals, three have been in the Semifinals, and seven have been in a Final.

Viktor Axelsen Wins (3)

Viktor has beaten Kento three times on tour, with his first win coming at the German Open in 2014 and his most recent win coming at the Malaysia Open in 2022.

2022Malaysia OpenFinal21-4, 21-7
2021Denmark OpenFinal20-22, 21-18, 21-12
2014German Open3rd Round21-17 21-12

Kento Momota Wins (14)

Kento has beaten Viktor 14 times on tour, with his first win coming at the Malaysia Open in 2014 and his most recent win coming at the Malaysia Masters in 2020.

2020Malaysia MastersFinal24-22, 21-11
2019China OpenQuarterfinals21-18, 12-21, 21-16
2019SingaporeSemifinals21-15, 21-18
2019All England Badminton ChampionshipsFinal21-11, 15-21, 21-15
2019Indonesia MastersSemifinals21-15, 21-4
2018Japan OpenSemifinals21-18, 21-11
2018IndonesiaFinal21-14, 21-9
2018BWF Thomas and Uber Cup FinalsTeam21-17, 9-21
2015India OpenFinal21-15, 21-18
2015Dubai World Superseries FinalsFinal21-15, 21-12
2015Dubai World Superseries FinalsRound Robbin19-21, 21-15, 21-15
2014BWF Sudirman CupLevel 121-15, 9-21
2014BWF Thomas and Uber Cup FinalsTeam21-19, 19-21
2014Malaysia Open1st Round12-21, 24-22, 21-18

Below is a BWF TV video of the last match they played at the Malaysia Open in July 2022.

Head to Head by Year

Viktor Axelsen and Kento Momota first played each other on the BWF Tour in 2014 and in total, they have played each other 17 times in BWF tournaments, with their last match being played in July 2022.


Head to Head by Tournament

They have played each other in 14 different tournaments with their H2H at each of these tournaments detailed below.

Malaysia O2111-1
Denmark Open1101-0
Malaysia Masters1010-1
China Open1010-1
All England Badminton Championships1010-1
Indonesia Masters1010-1
Japan Open1010-1
BWF Thomas and Uber Cup Finals2020-2
India Open1010-1
Dubai World Superseries Finals2020-2
BWF Sudirman Cup1010-1
German Open1101-0


How many times have Axelsen and Momota played each other in BWF events?

They have played each other a total of 17 times on the BWF Tour.

When was the last time Kento Momota beat Viktor Axelsen?

Kento Momota’s last victory came in the final of the Malaysia Masters in 2020 where he beat Axelsen 24-22, 21-11.

When was the last time Viktor Axelsen beat Kento Momota?

His last victory came in the final of the Malaysia Open in 2022 where he beat Momota 21-4, 21-7.